IPinfo Plus Database Developer Resource

IPinfo's Plus is an enterprise-grade IP database that combines our location, insights, and confidence with ASN, privacy, carrier, and network flags in a single database.

Database Schema

The IPinfo Plus database contains the following fields:

Field NameExampleData TypeDescrption
network86.179.219.192/29TEXTCIDR/IP range or single IP address
cityWeymouthTEXTCity of the IP address
regionEnglandTEXTRegion/State of the IP address
region_codeENGTEXTRegion code in two-letter format in ISO 3166
countryUnited KingdomTEXTName of the country of the IP address
country_codeGBTEXTISO 3166 country code of the IP address
continentEuropeTEXTName of the continent
continent_codeEUTEXTContinent name code in two-letter format
latitude50.61448FLOATLatitude value of the IP address
longitude-2.45991FLOATLongitude value of the IP address
timezoneEurope/LondonTEXTLocal timezone of the IP address location
postal_codeDT3TEXTPostal code or zip code of the IP address
dma_code13wTEXTDirect Marketing Area (DMA) is a unique regional identifier for marketing.
geoname_id2634202INTEGERgeonames.org's unique numercial identifier for geographic locations.
radius20INTEGERLocation accuracy radius in terms of kilometers
city_confidencehighTEXTIndicates the accuracy of city-level geolocation data.
region_confidencehighTEXTIndicates the accuracy of region or state level geolocation data.
country_confidencehighTEXTIndicates the accuracy of country level geolocation data.
asnAS2856TEXTAutonomous System Number (ASN)
as_nameBritish Telecommunications PLCTEXTOrganization domain name of the ASN
as_domainbt.comTEXTName of the ASN organization
as_typeispTEXTASN Type: ISP, Hosting, Education, Government or Business
carrier_nameTEXTName of the mobile carrier organization
mccINTEGERMobile Country Code (MCC) of the carrier
mncINTEGERMobile Network Code (MNC) of the carrier
as_changed2025-01-10DATEDate when the IP address's ASN last changed: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO-8601
geo_changed2024-11-10DATEDate when the IP address's location last changed: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO-8601
as_stability1.0FLOATThe stability/change of ASN data for the IP address within a recent period of time. 1.0 means very stable.
geo_stability1.0FLOATThe stability/change of location for the IP address within a recent period of time. 1.0 means very stable.
is_anonymousfalseBOOLEANIndicates whether the IP address is anonymous.
is_anycastfalseBOOLEANdicates whether the IP address is an internet service hosting IP address
is_hostingfalseBOOLEANIndicates whether the IP address is an hosting/cloud/data center IP address
is_mobilefalseBOOLEANIndicates whether the IP address belongs to a mobile network
is_satellitefalseBOOLEANIndicates whether the IP address is part of a satellite internet connection
is_proxyfalseBOOLEANIndicates a open web proxy IP address
is_relayfalseBOOLEANIndicates location preserving anonymous relay service like iCloud private relay.
is_torfalseBOOLEANIndicates a TOR (The Onion Router) exit node IP address
is_vpnfalseBOOLEANIndicates Virtual Private Network (VPN) service exit node IP address
privacy_nameTEXTThe name of the privacy service provider includes VPN, Proxy, or Relay service provider name
cdn_nameTEXTName of the CDN provider, if it is CDN IP address

Sample Databases

Filename references:

File FormatFilename / SlugTerminal Command
CSVipinfo_plus.csv.gzcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_plus.csv.gz?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_plus.csv.gz
MMDBipinfo_plus.mmdbcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_plus.mmdb?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_plus.mmdb
JSONipinfo_plus.json.gzcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_plus.json.gz?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_plus.json.gz
Parquetipinfo_plus.parquetcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_plus.parquet?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_plus.parquet