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Translates domain names to IP addresses (on port 53) with dynamic results based on user's geolocation

23 ASNs and 69 IP Addresses tagged with geodns.

ASN Name IP Addresses Example IP Address
AS37963Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.16120.76.107.59
AS16552Tiggee LLC643.247.170.1
AS203391Cloud DNS Ltd4185.136.97.183
AS32934Facebook, Inc.4185.89.219.12
AS15169Google LLC4216.239.32.10
AS132203Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue4203.205.220.26
AS200325BUNNYWAY, informacijske storitve d.o.o.3157.53.226.1
AS45090Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited343.140.54.204
AS14907Wikimedia Foundation Inc.3198.35.27.27
AS199524G-Core Labs S.A.392.223.77.201
AS16509Amazon.com, Inc.
AS24409China Internet Network Infomation Center2125.208.47.1
AS13335Cloudflare, Inc.2162.159.25.42
AS24151China Internet Network Infomation Center1125.208.46.1
AS9123TimeWeb Ltd.1188.225.9.184
AS4837CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone1218.68.91.139
AS396982Google LLC135.196.50.58
AS4812China Telecom (Group)1101.227.161.254
AS23724IDC, China Telecommunications Corporation1211.100.32.220
AS136958China Unicom Guangdong IP network1157.255.6.102
AS140979China Unicom Shanghai FuTe IDC network1140.207.180.96